River in Autumn
by Hoang Trong Tien
Dimension 29.0x29.0x0.0
Call or Write for information on this or other paintings .
TrongAnh GAllery
27 Nguyen Thai Hoc str., Hoi An City., VietNam
Tell : 0084.5103 927798 / Cell : 0084 98 9391486
Email : tronganhartist@gmail.com
Website : http://tronganhgallery.com
The gallery's objectives are:
- promote Vietnamese contemporary artists to domestic and foreign art lovers
- make art exchange with foreign countriesFor further information, please contact TrongAnh Gallery :
Mr . Vu trong Anh
Email: tronganhartist@gmail.com
Website : http://tronganhgallery.com
Add : 27 Nguyen Thai Hoc str., Hoi An city, Viet Nam
Tel : +84. 5103 917798
Cell : +84. 98 9391486