WEDNESDAY 27TH JANUARY 22:30 GBT - BBC TWO FROM MICHAEL CRICK Hello From Michael Crick: Great drama today at the Scottish parliament in Edinburgh, as Alex Salmond and the minority SNP government tried to win approval for next years budget. The Lib Dems and Labour made it clear they were against. The Tories were willing to support the measures, thanks to the SNP agreeing to fund an urban regeneration scheme. It boiled down to the two Green MSPs, who want £100m a year spent on free insulation for Scottish homes. They were offered just £22m for next year. Not enough, said the Greens around 4pm, they want another 50%. Their decision threatened the whole £33bn budget. Rarely can the Green Party have held such sway in British politics. It's just the kind of horse-trading we will see in a hung parliament at Westminster one day. As I write the SNP has just offered the greens another eleven million. It was not enough. The budget has fallen. We'll also have the latest on the dire set of the World economy and the story of General Butt Naked - the Liberian rebel leader who has found god. And don't forget to check out the Newsnight Review website with discussions on John Updike's most recent novels here and here Join Jeremy at 10.30. Missed Newsnight? Click here to watch the latest programme online Newsnight Blog Add your comments to our correspondents' blogs: CLICK HERE |